What to do when someone dies….
We are there to provide you with advice and guidance throughout this difficult time. If you are unsure about anything, please call us on the telephone, come and see us in the office or send us an email. See our Contact Us section for details of our opening times and telephone numbers.
Below is some basic advice for what to do when someone dies, but remember, we are here to help you.
When somebody dies, we are often left shocked and numb, regardless of whether we were expecting that person to die or if the death has come suddenly.
When someone dies at home
If somebody dies at home after a period of illness, it is firstly important that the family Doctor or district nurses are called. If someone has been on a Palliative Care Plan, they shoujld have left important information of what to do.
Following your call to the GP the doctor will attend as soon as they are able to certify that the person has died and they will contact the Medical Examiners Office who will independently verify everything.
Regardless of this certificate being issued to the family at this time, following on from the GPs visit, you are then able to call us on 01257 462222 / 01704 549222 / 01704 321234, day or night, 24 hours a day- we are here to take your call.
We agree on a time for us to attend the family home, we are always willing and available to attend at the earliest opportunity from the first call you make to us.
When we attend, we will invite the family to take us to where the person who has died is resting. Although we never discourage a family from remaining present when we carry out our duties, for the dignity of the person who has died and for the kindness to lasting memories, we suggest that we are left to carry out our duties whilst the family wait in another room or perhaps use the opportunity to prepare themselves for the farewell from the home.
On completing our duties at the house, we will lovingly and carefully convey the person who has died to our Chapel of Rest in the centre of Parbold, West Lancashire or to our Southport Branch in Sefton.
The following days are when a family are able to begin the process of making Funeral Arrangements and Registering the Death.
Registration of the Death should usually be carried out within 5 working days of the expected death and on receiving the Certificate for Cause of Death. We can help you with this process so if you have any concerns, please let us know.
Registration is normally arranged by the registrars contacting you and, dependent on where your loved one passed away, that areas registrar will contact you to make an appointment for an in person meeting or, if the situation dictates, a telephone call.
The registrar will ask you;
Date and Place of Death
Full name and maiden name (if deceased was a married woman)
Date and town of birth
Home address (or rest home/nursing home)
Whether the deceased was in receipt of a pension or allowance from public funds
Full name of informant, name and date of birth of surviving widow or widower if married.