Our Offices

137 - 139 Manchester Road, Southport, PR9 9BD

01704 549222

Monday - Friday 0900-1700

Weekends by Appointment

Chapel Visits by Appointment

3 Station Road, Parbold, WN8 7NU

01257 462222

Monday - Friday 1000 - 1600

Weekends by Appointment

Chapel Visits by Appointment


Contact Us

To contact us you can either fill in this form, email us at funerals@massamandmarshall.co.uk or alternatively call us on Southport - 01704 549222 / Parbold - 01257 462222 / Scarisbrick / Birkdale -01704 321234

Our phones are open for general enquiries throughout our office hours. For emergencies and our on-call team, please call 01704 549222 / 01257 462222 / 01704 321234 which will be answered 24/7, 365 days a year.

You are very welcome to call in and see us at our funeral home in office hours.